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The Free Open-Source Egg Incubation Software
HatchKeeper 0.80 uses SQLite for storing data on both the Desktop and Mobile.
Desktop version 0.80 changes the way backups work. Previous versions made a copy of the database in an internal folder, which made it harder to backup to a cloud storage. You can now save a snapshot of the database to a folder of your choosing. This can be restored later should something happen to your existing database. Restoring a database only works if the HatchKeeper version matches the one that exported it. You can also mount the database file with sqlite3 or a GUI sqlite client to view the data in raw form. This would be useful for recovering data. Use the Import Database button to import the database again. Warning: Importing a database will REPLACE your existing one. You can not undo this operation!
Under Android, backups aren't implemented yet. You can use the Export feature to export either a batch or an entire group. These can be "restored" later by using the Import button in the toolbar. One drawback is that version 0.80 does not export advanced data when exporting a batch. This as well as database backups will hopefully be implemented in a future release.
Delete All HatchKeeper Data will warn you before it completely deletes the entire database. This includes everything, breeds, types, groups, batches, etc. You can not recover this data. This function is available on both the desktop and mobile. Keep in mind that after you delete the database, it will be filled with default values again like it was when you installed the app.
You can execute an SQL command on both the desktop and mobile versions. It allows you to run SQL commands against the built-in SQLite database. Before you use this feature, be advised that it is very easy to mess up the app and possibly lose your data in to process. Make sure you know exactly what you are doing! This feature is mostly for debugging and fixings problems with the data in the database. You could also use your favorite SQLite3 editor to open ./HatchKeeper_Data/HatchKeeper.db