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The Free Open-Source Egg Incubation Software
This page covers running and installing HatchKeeper on different platforms. Start by going to http://hatchkeeper.sourceforge.io/downloads and downloading the HatchKeeper package for your operating system. Follow the instructions for your operating system below.
Under Linux HatchKeeper is avalible as a x86_64 AppImage. Set the AppImage to executable with:
sudo chmod +x
Then run:
If your distro doesn't support AppImages, it is possible to extract and run the HatchKeeper AppImage with
./HatchKeeper*.AppImage --appimage-extract cd ./squashfs-root ./HatchKeeper-0_80
This will work as a portable app or you can manually install it. To manually install, copy the HatchKeeper executable to /usr/bin and copy .HatchKeeper_Data_* to your home folder. Make sure you have the right permissions.
Since we no longer distribute the 32-bit or arm binary and the AppImage might not work on older distributions you might need to compile HatchKeeper from source. Download the latest source and follow the instructions in the README file or the developer Doxygen documentation.
Autostarting HatchKeeper to run in the background for notifications is left entirely up to the user. This is because of the huge number of different choices. Usually the desktop makes it easy to set up.
To install, right-click the .dmg installer. Select open and then select open in the warning dialog. In Finder drag HatchKeeper to the Applications shortcut in the same directory.
To uninstall, Navigate to /Applications with Finder, Right- Click HatchKeeper. Select Move To Trash.
To set HatchKeeper to start at login: Open HatchKeeper, right- click the HatchKeeper icon in the Dock, select Options > Start At Login.
Under Windows HatchKeeper is distributed as an installer. Run the installer, then launch from the Start Menu. Auto-start will automatically be set up.
Before uninstalling HatchKeeper on Windows, make sure to exit HatchKeeper completely before running the uninstaller.
When you close the main HatchKeeper frame, HatchKeeper continues to run in the background so it can show batch notificaions when necessary. You can avoid this by clicking the Exit button in the toolbar and selecting Yes. You can also use the taskbar icon and select Completely Exit.
Always close HatchKeeper completely before uninstalling it.